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By Jesse Friedlander
Contributing Writer
It is the time we dread as students. Finals week. Months of work culminate into two weeks that you want done ASAP. Here are at least five things you can look forward to with finals starting soon.
1. Summer

The greatest thing about the spring semester is that when you finish, you get to celebrate good weather. While the weather has been pretty depressing recently, the countdown to summer has started, which means warm sunny days should be upon us soon. There will soon be time to relax a bit and lay on the beach (if you are 21, you can add drinking on the beach to that.)
2. Going Home

Few things are more comforting than going home and seeing your family after being away for a few months. Love, hugs and most importantly, good food. Yes, going home means you do not even have to think about eating campus food, and you can just enjoy your home cooked meals.
3. Not Having Any Schoolwork for at Least Two Weeks

Once finals week is over, you can rejoice at the fact that you do not have to worry about schoolwork for a while. If you are taking classes over the summer, you still have over a week off to clear your mind, and take a break. After the next couple of weeks, you will not have to worry about taking a test for a while.
4. Seeing Friends From Home

In addition to seeing your family for the first time in a while, you also will be able to see your friends from home. For some, you have known your friends from home to the point where they are basically your family. When the semester is over, you get to see your friends and can all laugh about the stupid things you did that semester.
5. Graduating

Whether you are a freshman or a senior, with finals week coming you are one step closer to graduating and getting your degree. With that being said, CONGRATULATIONS TO STONY BROOK’S CLASS OF 2017!